Children; The Success Of Our Nation
The Corona Virus disease covid-19 pandemic affected the children their lives especially in their education and freedom to stay outside. Disruption to society have a heaves impact on children; on their safety, their well-being, their future only by working together can we keep millions of girls and boys, including those facing poverty, violence and those upended by humanitarian crisis healthy, safe and learning. Our government doing some actions to protect our children, one is to keep children healthy and well nourished. They can be protected against diseases with health care threaten to undermine recent gains in child health, nutrition and development. Reach children with water, sanitation and hygiene. They have to learn proper handwashing keep children learning. They must do more to ensure all children have equal access to quality learning. Government must prioritize the reopening of schools and take all possible measures to do safely. Protect children from violence, exploitation ...